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Principal of a Global Famous Sports Brand Company Visited Harvesting for Anti-Corruption Training


Recently, a famous sports brand company has been holding routine anti-corruption training for its business partners with a view to strengthen their sense of integrity at work.


In the morning of March 18, 2015, the Brand Protection Manger delegation arrived at Harvesting to hold training to Customer Service Department, Legal Affairs Department, Investigation Department and relevant staff. In training, the brand protection manager explained the requirements of “Foreign Corruption Practice Act” (FCPA) on enterprises, introduced FCPA clauses in detail as well as UK Bribery Act, and clarified that corruption would bring about serious consequences to an enterprise, such as reputation damage, stock price reduction and economic layoff.


In training, Harvesting staff held a comprehensive and keen discussion on the regular issues of whether gifts in festivals could be attributed to commercial bribe, and work meals entertainment standard, etc. Quiz of FCPA was held afterwards.


Harvesting is always adopting superior service and rigorous manner to enforcement department and customer. Bribe to anybody is strictly prohibited. To protect our interest, we encourage our staff to adopt legal measures to solve improper conduct. Through this anti-corruption training and exchange of view, the sense of integrity at work of Harvesting staff was further enhanced.



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